What we do
We reward, train, engage, monitor and support the news media to build a culture of investigative reporting that exposes corruption, human rights abuses and regulatory failures towards engendering a community where social justice is the norm.

Award for Investigative Reporting
The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) rewards, promotes and ...

Lecture Series
The Wole Soyinka Media Lecture Series is an annual programme of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative...

Pro-Engage is WSCIJ’s flagship project for engaging students of journalism with professionals..

Regulators Monitoring Programme
The Regulators Monitoring Programme (REMOP) is conceived as a media initiative geared at following...

Thematic Engagement
WSCIJ provides training and mentoring for journalists on specific sector issues to develop their capacity...

Report Women! is an initiative of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism targeted...

Visual Realities
WSCIJ engages with cartoonists and photojournalists on its Visual Realities project, which...

Free to Share
The WSCIJ ‘Free to share’ initiative is geared at broadening the scope of freedom of expression...

COVID-19 Reality Check
The COVID-19 Reality Check project is a WSCIJ initiative that examines government interventions...