The Amplify Media Conference and Awards is a platform for conversations, debates and learning on investigative reporting and its importance for accountable democracy and social justice. It seeks to ensure that the work done by investigative reporters and the voices of marginalised people it seeks to defend, are amplified. The conference will have multiple panels, some of which will be held simultaneously. lt will also have registration-based hands-on sessions.
After you design a couple thousand screens for various products, you’ll start to see that they’re basically all the same anyway.
After you design a couple thousand screens for various products, you’ll start to see that they’re basically all the same anyway.
After you design a couple thousand screens for various products, you’ll start to see that they’re basically all the same anyway.
Our 5,000 attendees are looking to stay on top of the latest trends, meet their next client or partner, and connect with other people interested in the future of technology.
Invite your audience to register for your incredible event with this call to action.
From entrepreneurs to developers, marketing managers, CEOs and policymakers – all of our 5,000 attendees are looking to stay on top of the latest trends
The Green Quarter takes place on Sunday 18th May in The Entertainment Quarter, 122 Lang Rd, Moore Park, NSW 2021.
Everyone’s welcome. The festival is a family fun day celebrating Irish culture and heritage but you don’t have to be Irish to attend or enjoy the festival.
Unless stated explicitly in the event information, the Secretariat do not cover transport costs to and from events. It is your responsibility to arrange transport to and from the event. However, the Secretariat will provide specific information, if necessary, to those attending.
This is a free community funded event; there will be buckets at the park entrance for you to have the opportunity to make a gold coin donation.
To allocate tickets and manage our events we use Eventbrite. To reserve a ticket for an event, you must first register with Eventbrite. When you sign up please make sure that you use the same name and email address that we have on file for you. After you have registered with Eventbrite you will be able to save an event for future reference.
We do not provide details of other attendees to scholars. Please use the Facebook group to enquire about others going and to arrange transport or accommodation.
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